Tigran and I are not veterinarians, nor do we claim to have the professional knowledge that one has. We are dog companions, lovers and rescuers. We would never, ever post anything that we would not use in the care of our Havok.
Paleo doggy recipes, wellness tips, holistic treatments, and nutrition advice are not meant to treat or cure any medical condition or disease.
Always consult with your veterinarian about your dog’s personal health and wellness.
The team at Havok’s Wolfpack are not professional veterinarians, doctors, or registered dietitians.
All reviews are strictly personal opinion.
Always do your own research on products and companies before using a product you find on the internet.
Havok’s Wolfpack (including the employees, owners, and volunteers) does not claim responsibility for any of the products, wellness treatments, health opinions, or companies discussed on this site.
All blog content is for entertainment purposes only.